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UNAIR Develops Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities

UNAIR NEWS – Directorate of Education Universitas Airlangga hosted seminar entitled “Pengembangan Pendidikan Inklusi Menuju UNAIR Kampus Humanis,”/(“Development of Inclusive Education to Make UNAIR as Humanist Campus) on Thrusday (14/9) at Amerta Hall UNAIR. It aims to develop inclusive education for students with disabilities The speakers of the event were Prof. Dr. Frieda Maryam Mangunsom Siahaan, M.Ed., Psi from Universitas Indonesia, dan Ro’fah, Ph.D from Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga. This discussion was attended by the officers of faculty, head of department, and coordinator of study program in Universitas Airlangga. In this occasion, they discussed about implementation of government policy in Indonesia and the great experience about inclusive education service in many higher education. “The low number of people with disabilities who go to higher education is less because they had not been told about higher education in previous study. Their mental and motivation should be established since they were on elementary school for disability student (SDLB), Junior High School (SMPLB) and Senior High School (SMALB),” Rofi’ah stated In order to avoid any gaps of graduate student, Director of Education Universitas Airlangga Prof. Bambang Sektiari informed that the both students with disabilities and regular students should be acquired equal service for education. “Inclusive education is not exclusive education, so for those who enroll in UNAIR do not get special service. Regular student and students with disability will have same services and comfort,” Bambang stated Due to lack of responsibility, teachers and curriculum enrichment of education school for student with disability, to date, contribution of community is less from amount of student attends to higher education, it is only 1% Source: Author: Disih Sugianti Editor: Defrina Sukma S

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